That passion lavished by the founder Luigi Rossi for all of his life, and that he has transmitted us before prematurely leaving forever us. That passion that stimulates us to overcome the difficult moments giving new sap to pursue new projects. In fact, believing in the future, there are busy in the purchase of new structures, having so to disposition over 7.000 mqs of area of which around 4.000 cover. The catalog adjourned that we introduce You, besides completely renewed in the graphics, it expresses the great passion that animates us.
Purchasing a brush “ITALSIR” you have a product realized with the best first subjects, taken care of in the details and suit of bar code.
Purchasing a roll “ITALSIR” you have a product realized with the best first subjects: the inside pipes are all antisolventes and the fabrics they originate only from the best Italian factories.
The collection of brushes for beautiful arts that it follows is realized by a specialized artisan and only with the best first subjects. The result is notable, and we is able to satisfy the demands both of the painter dilettante that of the artist.
The collection of articles for decorations is very complete and just become wealthy from few of the three-dimensional Glitter, true novelty in the field, that allows to realize an excellent decorum.
The collection of brushes for beautiful arts that it follows is realized by a specialized artisan and only with the best first subjects. The result is notable, and we is able to satisfy the demands both of the painter dilettante that of the artist.
A catalog full of articles and accessories, important and decisive for completing the paintings; towels, cloths and protectors, spatulas, paper and a wide range of cleaning products, in addition to the full range of spray colors … A complete service to your needs.
Complete line of exhibitors, in order to represent at best all our production lines, modules of various sizes and dimensions to adequately occupy all the available spaces of our dealers.

Via XXV Aprile, 6 – 46019 Viadana (MN)
Tel. +39 0375 781 870 – Fax +39 0375 830 149
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